Paper, a “Never Ending Story”

Cartiere del Polesine’s production utilizes only secondary fibers, more precisely waste paper from waste sorting, from corrugated packaging and from converters’ shavings. Our paper is used for corrugated board which, once used up, is recycled, and can be once again used as raw material. So the final product, corrugated packaging, is the most natural, recyclable and renewable package that exists and thus our paper returns to life becoming packaging once again, in a virtuous circle.
The Consorzio Nazionale Recupero e Riciclo degli Imballaggi a Base Cellulosica (Comieco) (National Body for Recovery and Recycling of Cellulose-Based Packaging) of which we are part, is the national guarantor of waste sorting and for setting up the recycling of paper and board. The Body is active in the promotion of correct management and sorting of waste, urging the public to develop a “recycling culture” which can still find room for improvement in our country.


In line with environmental policy and with sustainable development, maximum attention is paid to energy aspects, both on the management side and on the machinery side. So both factories are supplied with high-efficiency cogeneration plants which totally satisfy energy needs.
Turbines are supplied with natural gas and, by means of an alternator, produce the energy necessary for the production process. Combustion gas, thanks to its high thermal-energy level, feeds the retrieval heaters for steam production.

Water Treatment Plant

The wastewater treatment plant consists of two sections: an anaerobic digestion pre-treatment with biogas production and a secondary biological treatment using a variety of microorganisms.

The high performance depuration is guaranteed allowing also energy recovery.

Environmental Certification

Environmental aspects are organized according to a complex management system, which, both for the Adria and Loreo plants, are certified by CSQA Certifications as compliant with the ISO 14001 standard. Additionally, all products of Cartiere del Polesine can be FSC certified.


The Adria factory is licensed to retrieve pulp paper classified as waste, and is listed as n. 47 of the Provincial Register for waste retrieval according to simplified procedure.

Ambiente | Cartiere del Polesine